"I like to give back to the Burn Fund because they have given me so much..." - Treenee Lopez, a member of the Future is Mine & Volunteer


“I like to give back to the Burn Fund because they have given me so much..." - Treenee Lopez

"The support we get from the Burn Fund and all the activities that we have to enjoy is the best part about the Future is Mine! For survivors it is a great support. There is always something for us to be doing. Those events connect us with other survivors and that is the most wonderful part.

I like to give back to the Burn Fund because they have given me so much. If there is any opportunity to volunteer, give my time, I am happy to do it!" - Treenee Lopez, a member of the Future is Mine and a longtime Burn Fund volunteer.

Thank you Treenee for your many years of volunteering and support! We are so grateful to have you as part of our Future is Mine Community.