Burn Awareness Week

BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund and BC Children's Hospital launch new e-learning course during Burn Awareness Week

BC Children’s Hospital has more than 1,000 burn-related visits each year. The new course takes just 30 minutes and is a critical resource for caregivers to learn about burn prevention.

Vancouver, B.C., February 7, 2023 – A new e-learning platform created by the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund, with support from BC Children’s Hospital, is being launched during this year’s Burn Awareness Week (February 5 - 11). The course is a resource for caregivers to learn about burn and scald prevention. 

Each year at BC Children’s Hospital there are more than 1,000 burn-related visits for both treatment and follow-up appointments. Children with burn injuries require specialized care and a highly trained team of experts to not only treat the physical injuries, but also to care for the emotional well-being of both the patient and the family. 

“Approximately 150 patients with new burn injuries are treated at BC Children’s Hospital each year alone, with 78 per cent of those injuries occurring in kids under the age of five,” said Gayanne Pacholzuk, Prevention Coordinator at the Burn Fund. “One of the easiest steps we can all take to reduce the risk of burns in households is to share resources with caregivers on how to prevent these incidents from happening.”

The theme for Burn Awareness Week 2023 is scalds, which account for 70 per cent of all burn injuries in toddlers. Scalds are most often caused by hot liquids, steam or hot bath water. The most common occurrence is when a toddler reaches for their parent’s mug of hot coffee or tea, knocking it onto themselves. Toddlers are at a developmental stage where they need to explore and experiment, often lacking awareness of danger in certain situations. 

“Burns happen in seconds and they can be quite severe. As a doctor and parent, myself, I really want caregivers and parents to know that most toddler burns are scalds that happen in a home environment with hot liquids that we deal with every day,” says Dr. Sally Hynes, Burn Director at BC Children’s Hospital. “This e-learning course details important information on prevention, burn care and when to seek treatment from medical professionals at the hospital.” 

The free Too Hot for Tots e-learning course is now available to anyone who would like to learn more about scald prevention. Especially relevant to those with toddlers in their lives, this course offers an informative and interactive learning experience in just 30 minutes. Learn from BC Children’s Hospital Burn Director, Dr. Sally Hynes and hear personal stories from burn survivors and their families. The course can be accessed here or through the Burn Fund website. 


About the Burn Fund

Fire fighters have been answering the call to support young burn survivors since the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund was founded in 1978. From rescue to recovery, more than 4,000 professional fire fighters in communities across BC and the Yukon are advancing the Burn Fund’s mission of supporting burn survivors through every step of their healing journey. 

The Burn Fund was created by the fire fighters to fund urgent equipment needs for burn survivors at BC’s trauma hospitals. Today the Burn Fund’s support has expanded to offer empowering programs for burn survivors of all ages, including Burn Camp for kids, as well as welcoming burn survivors and their families to the Burn Fund Centre, a home away from home for those travelling to Vancouver for treatment. Learn more at burnfund.org and follow the Burn Fund on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. at @BCBurnFund.

About BC Children's Hospital Foundation

BC Children’s Hospital is the only hospital in the province devoted exclusively to the care of children and youth. It’s one of the few pediatric medical and teaching facilities in Canada with an acute care centre, research institute, mental health facility, and rehabilitation centre all in one place. BC Children’s provides specialized care, innovative therapies, and pediatric expertise for BC’s kids, including the sickest and most seriously injured. At BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, we raise funds to provide kids with excellence in healthcare by continuously driving advancements provincially and globally. The generosity of donors fuels our ability to conquer childhood diseases, prevent illness and injury, and prioritize the unique needs of kids in every aspect of their care. Follow us at @bcchf or visit bcchf.ca for more information.

PHOTO ASSETS: Photos and videos can be found in this folder

Nicole Clark, Director of Communications
BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund
P: 778.789.0820
E: communications@burnfund.org